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Residential complex project with commercial spaces on its first two floors located in Santa Fe. The property consists of 30 apartments, each measuring 100m2, and has approximately 6,030m2 of construction, spanning 6 levels above ground and 2 basement levels for parking. The intended uses for the Ground Floor and Level 1 are restaurants and a gym, both occupying two levels.

The project is situated on a natural slope, providing two main facades facing east and west. Access is granted via Gomez Farias Street, with Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma being the other avenue the property faces.

The commercial aspect of the project aims to enhance security by creating spaces that improve the daily life of the area, both during the day and at night. This area of Santa Fe has acted as a social and physical barrier in recent years, and ending this is one of the project's key objectives.


Proyecto de conjunto residencial con comercio en sus dos primeras plantas ubicado en Santa Fe. El inmueble cuenta con 30 departamentos de 100m2 y alrededor de 6,030m2 de construcción para alzarse en 6 niveles S.N.B. + 2 sótanos de estacionamiento. Los usos destinados a la Planta Baja y el Nivel 1 son los de restaurante y gimnasio, ambos ocupando dos niveles.


El proyecto esta ubicado sobre una pendiente natural para tener dos fachadas principales hacia el este y oeste. El acceso se hace a través de la calle Gómez Farias siendo Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma la otra avenida a la que da el inmueble.


El comercio busca reactivar la seguridad creando espacios que mejor la cotidianidad del área tanto de día como de noche. Esa zona de Santa Fe ha fungido como barrera social y física en los últimos años y que eso termine es una de las premisas del proyecto.


Floor Plan Distribution

Parking Level Type Plan (1,321 m2)

Access, Gym & Restaurant Type Plan (1,255 m2)

Level 1 Type Plan (889 m2)

Level 2-5 Type Plan (937 m2)

3D Section of Prototype "A" Units

2D Section of Prototype "B" Units

Main elements to review in section:

- B=15cm H=35cm "I" Section Steel Beams 

- Multilayer Insulated Ceiling

- 6mm Tempered Glass Supported by 3" Aluminum Frame

- 20cm by 120cm Wooden Tile Floor

- Compression Layer for Metal Deck Slab


Structural Criteria

Hybrid system assembled by "I" section steel beams and reinforced concrete columns. A steel deck slab was chosen to justify a faster execution process. 



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