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Miguel Ángel Morales Aguilar

Date of birth : 14/10/1994

Place of birth : Mexico City, Mexico

Current location : London, United Kingdom

Email :

Phone : +44 75 70 99 65 44

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My name is Miguel Angel Morales Aguilar. I was born and raised in Mexico City. From a tender age, I possessed an innate passion for constructing and assembling objects, ranging from simple playthings to everyday essentials. This early fascination seamlessly paved the path for my chosen career as an architect.

In the period preceding my BArch graduation, I embarked upon a journey within the architecture and construction industry, wherein I discovered a profound fascination for the BIM methodology and its important implications on the meticulous planning and efficient management of projects spanning diverse magnitudes.

My primary objective will consistently revolve around contributing to the proper development of my country, approaching it with a blend of tecnical knowledge, field experience, passion and ambition. This perspective enables me to envision a substantial impact in the forthcoming years, ensuring a formal and diligent approach towards achieving meaningful progress in my line of work.


2011 - 2014 : High School / Preparatoria

ITESM (Santa Fe Campus)

2014 - 2019 : Architecture Degree / Licenciatura de Arquitectura 

ITESM (Santa Fe Campus)

2023 - Present : Student in MSc International Construction Project Management

Glasgow Caledonian University (London Campus)




2015 : Commercial island design.

2017 - 2019 : Intern at Grupo G. Bustamante, Mexico City

2019 : Remodeling & terrace design in Polanco, Mexico City

2019 - 2021 : BIM Architect at DAHO Arquitectura S.A., Mexico City 

2021 - 2023 : BIM Coordinator at DAHO Arquitectura S.A., Mexico City

2022 - 2023 : BIM Lecturer at ITESM CCM, Mexico City


Mentions & Awards


2019 - Outstanding CENEVAL project / Proyecto CENEVAL sobresaliente

2021 - Presentation about "Automation of structural engineering processes with BIM" at ITESO Jalisco / Ponencia sobre "Automatización de los procesos en ingeniería estructural con BIM" en ITESO Jalisco


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